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AMU in humans general report page

On this page, you can look for AMU data in humans. These data represent antimicrobial consumption as defined by GLASS-AMC at country level from 2019 onwards. These data are collected through the WHO GLASS AMC component. Every year WHO Member States provide annual national consumption of antimicrobials on a voluntary basis based on formal enrollment to GLASS-AMC. These data are aggregated using the ATC classification (whocc.no) and AWaRe categorization (adoptaware.org). Consumption data are expressed in Defined Daily Doses or tonnes, which can be reported or not by population. Only data on antibacterial classes are available on the TISSA platform.

For more information, go here.

You can access different reports.

The first report displays the availability of data per country and year as well as which healthcare sectors and levels are covered in each country.

The second report displays trends of consumption data and the third one displays distribution of consumption by pharmacological subgroups. The fourth report displays distribution of consumption by AWaRe categories.

Human AMU reports

Report 1: Availability of human AMU data in TISSA

This report presents the availability of data on antimicrobial consumption in humans in the TISSA databaseby year and country. On the map, you can see which country is included and whatthe coverage of the surveillance system is in terms of inclusion of healthcare sectors and levels. The latter is important as it may impact the consumption data in terms of absolute figures but also patterns of consumption.

Data are presented by country, WHO regions and World Bank income levels. You must select a specific year.

Report 2: Annual trends of consumption of antibiotics in humans

This report presents the annual trends of consumption of antibiotics in humans.

Data are presented by country, years, either AWaRe categorization or ATC classification, by route of administration. Data can be expressed in different units, Defined Daily Doses (DDD) and tonnes for absolute numbers and Defined Daily Doses per 1000 inhabitants per day and mg/kg for consumption adjusted by population.It is important to note that trends can varyusing differentmetrics. DDD and weight (tonnes) may provide different trends.

You can select one country, a range of years, either one route of administration or all, either one AWaRe category or an ATC subgroup. For ATC subgroups, you can first select onetherapeutic subgroup(ATC level 2), then you can select the next level with one pharmacological subgroup withing the selected therapeutic subgroup. You can select the lowest level with one chemical subgroup within the selected pharmacological subgroup. Finally, you must choose the metric to display consumption data.

Report 3: Relative consumption of antibiotics in humans by ATC groups

This report presents the distribution of antibiotic consumption in humans by ATC groups.

Data are presented by country, year, ATC subgroups, and by route of administration. Data can be expressed in different units, Defined Daily Doses (DDD) and tonnes for absolute numbers and Defined Daily Doses per 1000 inhabitants per day and mg/kg for consumption adjusted by population. It is important to note that trends can vary using different metrics. DDD and weight (tonnes) may provide different trends.

You can select one country, one year, either one route of administration or all. The report will provide the distribution of consumption by ATC subgroups among the selected ATC group. You can select first the therapeutic subgroup. The report will then provide the distribution of pharmacological subgroups (ATC level 3) within the selected therapeutic subgroup.Or you can further select a pharmacological subgroup (ATC level 3) within the selected therapeutic subgroup and get the distribution of chemical subgroups (ATC level 4) within this pharmacological subgroup. Finally, you must choose the metric to display consumption data.

Report 4: Relative consumption of antibiotics in humans by AWaRe categories

This report presents the distribution of antibiotic consumption in humans by AWaRe categories.

Data are presented by country, year, AWaRe categories and by route of administration. Data can be expressed in different units, Defined Daily Doses (DDD) and tonnes for absolute numbers and Defined Daily Doses per 1000 inhabitants per day and mg/kg for consumption adjusted by population. It is important to note that trends can vary using different metrics. DDD and weight (tonnes) may provide different trends.

You can select one country, one year, either one route of administration or all. The report will provide the distribution of consumption by AWaRe categories. Finally, you must choose the metric to display consumption data.

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