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AMR in humans general report page

On this page, you can look for AMR data in humans. These data are collected through the WHO GLASS AMR component. Every year WHO Member States provide annual data on a voluntary basis based on formal enrollment to GLASS-AMR. GLASS-AMR collects information on the implementation of the national AMR surveillance systems for the data call year, and AMR data aggregated at national level for the previous calendar year. The latter are collected through a system that gathers results from antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) for common human bacterial pathogens on four specimens sent routinely to laboratories for clinical purposes. For more information, go here.

You can access different reports.

The first three reports display countries participation and reporting capacity to GLASS-AMR.

The fourth report displays global summaries of the proportions of patients with resistant infections reported to GLASS-AMR

Human AMR reports

Report 1: Countries reporting AMR data to GLASS-AMR

The WHO world map summarizes countries participation and data submission to the AMR module of GLASS (GLASS-AMR), by reporting year.

Report 2: Surveillance sites reporting to GLASS-AMR and volume of patients with infections

The table contains: 1) Number of national surveillance sites generating data reported to GLASS-AMR, in a selected year. 2) Number of patients with infections by infection site for pathogens under GLASS-AMR surveillance, reported in a selected year

Report 3: Infections and AST results reported to GLASS-AMR

The table contains the number of patients with confirmed infections and AST results for pathogen under GLASS-AMR surveillance, reported in a selected year.

Report 4: Global summaries of resistant infections reported to GLASS-AMR

Box-and-whisker plots are used to summarize the proportions of patients with resistant and results for specific specimen-pathogen-antibiotic combinations, showing the distribution of values along the Y-axis. The boxes indicate the middle 50% of data (that is, the interquartile range (IQR)-from 25% to 75% of the data distribution). The line of demarcation obtained by the two shades of colour corresponds to the overall median value. The “whiskers” display all points within 1.5 times the IQR, that is, all points within 1.5 times the width of the adjoining box. Each red dot represents countries’ reported AMR median results. Note that countries may not report or test for all the pathogen-antibiotic combinations listed by GLASS. The number of countries for which results are reported and the number of patients with isolates tested for resistance are shown below the X-axis after application of cut-off values. Rates are shown only if results were reported for >10 patients and for pathogen-antibiotic combinations with >10 AST results. The findings shown require further investigation to verify the reliability of the results and understand the reasons behind the differences in rates

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